Isn't a snailhouse a shell? just curious. Today's post is a bit of a departure from the week so far... a little more cofffeehouse... a little more folksy... but still good. Of course its Wednesday and this is a Boon pick, so they are probably from Canada... and he is... Snailhouse is only one guy btw... Mike Feuerstack ... although he does get some help from the likes of Julie Doiron who is pretty awesome in her own right. The name of the album is Lies on the Prize in case you were wondering...
I'd like to dedicate this song, to Crank:High Voltage... although I haven't seen it, it should have never been made. The only redeeming quality to the first one is that he (spoiler alert) supposedly died, so they couldn't make a sequel.
It's not all about the money people! I'm ashamed that people would spend money on this. I'm ashamed of Amy Smart and Jason Stathman for agreeing to do the money. I'm ashamed of the producers who thought this was a good idea. Suck it all of you.
Sorry had to get that off my chest :)
Snailhouse - Dollar Signs
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