Dan Deacon is a happy bearded man. At least that's how I see him. Personally I think beards in general make you a more amicable, dare I say jolly fellow. but perhaps that just me and my beard talking. Regardless, when it comes to indie music, beards are generally a good indicator of good music, probably because lack of shaving and slovenly ways are usually indicative of a true artist. or a lazy software guy. or a homeless person.
Dan Deacon isn't homeless... he hails from Babylon, NY. critics love him. Pitchfork perennially hails his greatness (read: sucks his ****). Not tot say that he isn't good... I'm posting him aren't I... I personally really like the latest album Bromst, but only in spurts... turbo charged electronica will drive you mad if you listen to it straight through, unless perhaps if you are sucking on a pacifier waving glows ticks. Then you could probably handle it.
Listen: Dan Deacon, "Woof Woof"
Dan Deacon - Woof Woof
Oh, and here's a bad ass video, also from the Bromst album
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