I don' t really know if he does it on purpose, or its just because there's kind of a big scene going on down there, but Boon has picked yet another Brooklyn based band to feature on You got Bo0ned . I swear if I see him doing a guest spot on How to Make it in America I will know something is up. and I will laugh at him because that show sucks. I gave it a chance because it has Shannon Sossamon and Samarie Armstrong... and Luis Guzman, but its so boring. The Music is good mind you, but there is no way I can care about these characters. If you want to make the next Entourage, try to not do it about making jeans. Jeans? Really? Can you make a show about somthing I care less about? Maybe the next series could be "How to Make it in Canada" and be about Curlers trying to start a pro league. That I would watch. At least until I got bored.
But I digress. Amazing Baby. Part of the scene that gave us Vampire Weekend. Yeasayer These guys even went to School with MGMT. Actually founding member Simon O'Connor was actually in a band with the guys from MGMT. The difference? Amazing Baby would be the kind of starving artists with a trust fund type you would see in HTMIA.... Not totally believable. They have a nice sound that lies somewhere between Kings of Leon and MGMT that some may call psychedelica, yet not so retro and standout-ish as the Black Hollies. They will definitely appeal to anyone who likes any of these bands I have mentioned including myself, but I will reserve final judgment on them until their second effort. Unlike How to Make it in America... which will probably not even get a second season.
Listen: Amazing Baby "Headdress"
Amazing Baby - Headdress