Sorry bout the late post. I was having some server issues again. I thought maybe "the man" shut me down again, but its all good. you know what else is good. Blizzards from Dairy Queen. and the fact that ACL lineups get announced tomorrow. its a very exciting day. I think I need a fist bump. or perhaps just an old school high five. Perhaps even a Goose and Maverick Special. You know who describes their music as "everyone high fiving everone"? That's right... it would be Rhode Island born and Brooklyn based band Fang Island. And I would not be surprised one bit if when the lineup is announced, they are on it. They released their self titled album this year. And seriously... they really kinda do sound like that. Its a weird mix of guitar rock and pop... like Sum41 meets Vampire Weekend.
Check it out.
Listen:Fang Island " Daisy"
Fang Island - Daisy
Listen:Fang Island " Life Coach "
Fang Island - Life Coach
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