While everyone at the University of Florida was concerned with Tim Tebow; his heisman run, his virginity, his stupid little eye messages and not to mention national championships and such, West Palm Beach based Surfer Blood was busy recording their debut album Astro Coast in their off campus apartment down in Boca Raton. They probably didn't even like Tim Tebow. Hell, they probably didn't even like football. They definitely didn't like the surfer kids who used to torment them in their youth. Perhaps thats why the name arose... to call for the waters to run red with the surfer kids blood. No matter though, because its a far better name than Jabroni Sandwich. I shit you not... that's what they used to be called. And I can only imagine that the name was an homage to WWE superstar The Rock, back before he started dressing like the tooth fairy for Disney movies.
Now with a name like Surfer Blood, you will be led to think its a bit of surf revival rock, but that isn't really the case. Sure you can hear a bit of Beach Boys influence, especially with the heavier reverb vocals on some songs and some of the riffs, but if I had to describe their sound, I would probably consider them closer to a cross between Vampire Weekend and Weezer and the Cure (but only on the happy songs) with a touch of the Smiths and strangly enough a dash of Asia (or is it Toto... I get confused with them some time). So yeah, what I'm trying to say is that Tim Tebow blows goats and I hope he gets laughed off the field in Denver, if he ever makes it on the turf that is. Oh, and that Astro Coast is just happy goodness., and would be a perfect addition to your summer music rotation, you Jabronis. If you smell... what the Bob... is cooking.
Listen:Surfer Blood" Swim"
Surfer Blood - Swim
Listen:Surfer Blood" Take It Easy"
Surfer Blood - Take it Easy
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