Today on You got Booned, we have the National, who earlier this month released their fifth album to date, High Violet. If you don't know the National, they have a bit of reputation for being a bit gloomy. Defintiely a Morrisey-ish type of Shoegaze... or a piano centric, less industrial version of Joy Division. And honestly who could blame them for the melancholy... They live in freakin' Ohio. And who wants to live in Ohio. I mean, once Lebron leaves, it pretty much has got nothin.
Anyways, they set out to make the new album a bit happier than the rest, but that didn't happen. It may be a little bit more upbeat than the last albums, but it is definitely not happier. High Violet doesn't really stray too far from their normal formula. Well written lyrics with characters that seem like everyday people with everyday problems yet are just a little more effed up... check. Matt Berringer crooning Sad bastard vocals that could invoke wrist slitting if not for the slightly arousing Barry Whitish factor... check. Piano/drum driven melodies that stick in your head and pull it all together... check. From Start to finish, this might not be their best album, but the best songs on the album may be better than the best from previous outings... and when you are talking about songs like "Karen", "Fake Empire", and "Slow Show"... that's a bold statement. If I had a choice I'd post every track except the first two of the album.... its too hard to decide.
Listen:The National" Bloodbuzz Ohio"
The National- Bloodbuzz Ohio
And I love Conversation 16.... How can you not love a cannibal love song. I usually got a two song limit per album tho, so I'll have to bump "Afraid of Everyone" to video status even though it is a bad ass song as well.
Listen:The National" Conversation 16"
The National- Conversation 16
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