Here's another song for your summer happy time playlist, and its from Nawlin's based Generationals. It's a fitting name... their album Con Law doesn't really have just one sound... it's like its just indie pop that spans generations... One minute you think you are listening to something out of the 70's Elton John catalog, the next you are listening to a Tom Pettyish song, then a little Paul Simon Action, then perhaps a something a little MGMTish, and then to top it all off you get some late 60ish Phil Spector girl band pop... Complete with the domestic violence undertones. It's quite the aural experience. But the common thing... its very happy music. Perfect for grillin or sitting by the pool. or since they are from the big easy, perhaps a crawfish boil...
The below video doesn't have Tess so I guess I'll give a little background on the band. The Band started when the band Eames Era fell apart after five years. Band members Ted Joyner and Grant Widmer decided they still had music to offer the world, and went back to New Orleans and recorded the bunch of songs that they had written, which became the album. Like MGMT they started out as a twosome, but decided they needed more. They met Tess Bruneh from Au Ras Au Ras in 2009, and she became their drummer. And quite frankly having a girl drummer gives the boys far more cred in my book. Hell now when they perform live, they can have as much as seven members... including backup singers, trumpet players, and probably more cowbell. They just finished up their spring tour with Apples in Stereo, so I expect some more stuff soon. for now have a listen to what I've got...
Listen:Generationals" When They Fight, They Fight"
Generationals - When They Fight, They Fight
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